How To Talk About Your Free Time In Danish

Spend some of your free time learning how to talk about free time.
A group of people spending their free time in Danish riding bikes along the river in Amsterdam

What we call “small talk” really isn’t so small. It’s the grease that makes conversation possible, and even the most interesting people in the world talk about the weather from time to time. So while it may not seem like it’s the most important vocab to learn, being able to talk about your free time in Danish is definitely going to come in handy.

There are of course countless hobbies you might have, and if you want to go into detail about anything, you’ll need to look up context-specific vocab. But we pulled together a general list of vocabulary that covers a decent amount of ground on how someone might talk about their free time in Danish. If you want to hear how each word or phrase is pronounced by a native speaker, just hit the play button next to the terms.

Talking About Free Time In Danish

General Hobby Vocabulary

a theater — et teater

a play — et stykke

to attend — at besøge

a musical — en musical

a museum — et museum

an exhibition — en udstilling

a sculpture — en skulptur

a painting — et maleri

a photography, a photo — et fotografi

a gallery — et galleri

to paint — at male

a film — en film

a drawing — en tegning

television — fjernsyn

to dance — at danse

a book — en bog

to read — at læse

music — musik

to sing — at synge

an instrument — et instrument

a guitar — en guitar

a piano — et klaver

a game — en leg

to play — at lege

a sport — en sport

a soccer ball — en fodbold

a gymnasium — et fitness-center

a team — et hold

to go shopping — at købe ind

second-hand — brugt

eating out — at spise ude

a restaurant — en restaurant

a club — et diskotek

a bar — en bar

a cafe — en café

Free Time Phrases

What do you do in your free time? — Hvad laver du i din fritid?

I love going to restaurants. — Jeg elsker at gå på restaurant.

I play soccer twice a week. — Jeg spiller fodbold to gange om ugen.

I will sunbathe and read. — Jeg vil tage solbad og læse.

Do you feel like going dancing? — Har du lyst til at gå ud og danse?

Photo by Febiyan on Unsplash

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