This month Babbel focuses on grammar, with a range of healthy new courses. There are also new pronunciation courses, in-depth Italian, and false friends.
Poor old broccoli, pariah of the vegetable world. Despite the fact that it’s extremely good for you and US President Obama has declared that it’s his favourite food, broccoli is still reviled by children all around the world – and a fair few adults.
A bit like grammar. Years of being forced to conjugate verbs or grapple with textbooks the size of telephone books have left many of us bruised, battered, and wondering if it’s all worth it.
But grammar doesn’t have to be intimidating. The trick is to prepare it properly.
In small, digestible portions grammar can be a wonderful thing. It tells you what works and what doesn’t. It gives you the building blocks you need to speak and write. Ultimately grammar not only gives you the tools to understand and create language, but provides an insight into how people in a different culture think and behave – such as how people who speak ‘futureless’ languages like Chinese are more likely to save money.
This month, Babbel’s smorgasboard of new courses includes plenty of healthy grammar and pronunciation, with some false friends for dessert.
English-speaking users: Danish and Dutch pronunciation (consonants), Polish and Norwegian grammar, more French grammar, Italian In-depth course 1
German-speaking users: Danish and Dutch pronunciation (consonants), Polish and Norwegian grammar, more Turkish and French grammar, Italian In-depth course 1
French-speaking users: Dutch pronunciation (consonants), Polish Beginners course 1, Italian In-depth course 1
Italian-speaking users: French grammar, French false friends
Spanish-speaking users: French grammar, Polish Beginners course 1, Italian In-depth course 1
Portuguese-speaking users: Spanish In-depth course 1
Swedish-speaking users: Spanish In-depth course 1