Why choose the Portuguese language?

If you've always wanted to learn Portuguese, you’re not alone; millions of people study the language every day around the world. And it’s no wonder! Portuguese is a language that has a rich culture and history. The Portuguese language can take you around the world, from South America to Europe to Africa.

Why learn Portuguese?

Begin with the obvious: Some of the most beautiful travel spots reside in Portuguese-speaking regions. Whether immersing yourself in Rio de Janeiro's carnival, exploring Lisbon's seven hills, or strolling along Cape Verde's pristine white sand beaches, possessing even basic Portuguese skills will enhance your experience. With 250 million speakers spanning four continents, Portuguese unlocks doors to diverse cultures and connections. For professional advancement, Brazil stands out with significant potential, offering an advantageous edge in your career journey.

Benefits of learning Portuguese

Unlock the world by learning Portuguese—a versatile skill that crosses language barriers and enriches several aspects of life. For travel enthusiasts, having Portuguese proficiency is a passport to immersive experiences, allowing you to navigate cities, connect with locals, and explore beyond tourist hotspots. Living abroad is a vibrant adventure, offering an unparalleled language immersion experience. In the global business landscape, learning Portuguese is strategic, fostering connections, attracting clients, and showcasing the multicultural nature of your brand. Beyond practical benefits, mastering Portuguese exercises your mental agility, making it an ideal cognitive workout. Dive into Portuguese culture through literature, media, and culinary arts, gaining a deeper understanding and connection to the rich tapestry of Portuguese-speaking worlds. Whether for personal growth, professional success, or cultural exploration, learning Portuguese opens doors to a fulfilling journey.

Should you learn European or Brazilian Portuguese?

When starting to learn Portuguese, there are two main choices: European or Brazilian Portuguese. Despite their mutual intelligibility, variations in vocabulary and pronunciation exist, making it advisable to concentrate on one dialect, at least initially. Regardless of your selection, certain aspects of Portuguese may pose initial challenges. Notably, Portuguese incorporates nasal vowels, indicated by an accent mark (~) or followed by "m" or "n." Some letters, like "r" pronounced as "h" at a word's beginning, may differ from English expectations. Grammatically, all Portuguese nouns have a gender—either feminine or masculine—affecting the use of adjectives and articles (o, a). Verb forms change endings based on the sentence's subject. Despite initial complexities, rest assured; the intricacies become familiar with practice, enabling a smooth learning process.

Learn Portuguese Lessons with Babbel-App

The goal of learning any language is to have real-life conversations with native speakers. So a language learning app should be designed to get you to that goal in the best way possible. It’s important to dedicate the time and effort to practicing with discipline. Outside of your own personal commitment, you’ve got to have technology that knows how to help you most effectively along the way. Test first lesson of every course for free!

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