Make Learning A New Language A Habit With This App

Sustainable habits are a key part of the recipe for success, especially when you want to commit to an activity like learning a new language. And while starting a new habit takes time and practice, small steps and momentum will take you far.  From activity tracking, to daily learning reminders, Babbel offers many built-in features […]

Sustainable habits are a key part of the recipe for success, especially when you want to commit to an activity like learning a new language. And while starting a new habit takes time and practice, small steps and momentum will take you far. 

From activity tracking, to daily learning reminders, Babbel offers many built-in features that promote habit building, so that you feel energized and committed to learning. We’ll walk you through the steps — all it takes is some reflection and 15 minutes of your day. 

1. Clearly Articulate Your Learning Goals

As with any other journey, it helps to know where you’re headed and why. Understanding what motivates you is a powerful way to stay engaged with an activity. Think of this as the wind in your sails that keeps you cruising on course. Even if the destination is nowhere in sight, you know where you want to be and are confident you’ll get there.

To kickstart your adventure, ask yourself what you want to get out of language learning. By clearly defining your goals, you know which areas to focus on. You can even take a look at our units for some inspiration! From personal relationships to food, wine and culture, Babbel lessons offer a variety of content customized to your specific learning objectives.

2. Create A Learning Plan

Once you pinpoint your destination, it’s time to chart a course. Come up with a study plan and consider this your guide to help navigate your learning journey. Plan for some pit stops along the way: Smaller milestones make it easier to avoid fatigue that can cause you to jump ship. 

To build this type of habit, it helps to break learning down into shorter stretches. Studying for just 15 minutes a day will take you farther than you think — daily tasks that prioritize quality and consistency, not length, add up over time. The “My Activity” space found in your Babbel Profile is a great way to visualize your routine and keep track of how much distance you’ve covered.

3. Set Regular Reminders For Yourself To Stay On Track

OK, so you know your destination and how to get there — now it’s just a matter of time. Thankfully, 15 minutes is not a big chunk of your day, so get creative with how you fit in your practice. A great way to build a habit is to connect new activities to old ones. Try doing daily lessons while you enjoy your morning cup of tea, for example.

This process involves figuring out a convenient time of day. Pay attention to how you feel before and after learning — has your motivation increased or decreased? Did you want to keep going, or was it hard to begin? After a few times, decide on a sweet spot. To keep you on track, enter your preferred time into the Babbel app and we’ll send you a notification to remind you to keep learning!

4. Start Today, It Will Only Take 15 Minutes

Every journey has a beginning. Though the path ahead may not be totally linear, you have to start somewhere! The sooner you ease into a routine, the closer you will be to establishing a sustainable learning habit. Dive right in, because it’s OK to start small.

All you need to kickstart your habit is 15 minutes — why not start now?
Start learning with Babbel
Lili Steffen
In 2017 Lili fulfilled her high school dream of living in Berlin, where she is currently sharpening her German skills in blissful language immersion. With a background in sociology and feminist activism, she looks for any opportunity to support local reproductive health and justice work. Lili wishes there was more time in a day to enjoy her interests, which include indoor cycling, teaching herself 3D modeling, and consuming anything true crime related.
In 2017 Lili fulfilled her high school dream of living in Berlin, where she is currently sharpening her German skills in blissful language immersion. With a background in sociology and feminist activism, she looks for any opportunity to support local reproductive health and justice work. Lili wishes there was more time in a day to enjoy her interests, which include indoor cycling, teaching herself 3D modeling, and consuming anything true crime related.