How To Talk About Tech And The Internet In Spanish

You’re already on the internet, so make it a learning experience!
A woman on her phone using the internet in Spanish

When you’re learning a language, you might imagine all the face-to-face conversations you’ll be having with it. But let’s be real, it’s the 21st century and face-to-face conversations are less and less common. But don’t let that be a deterrent, using the internet to learn a language is a great idea. Even just changing your computer settings to be in Spanish is a good way to get regular exposure to the language. Of course, if you do that, you’ll need to learn vocab for tech and the internet in Spanish.

To get you started, we collected some general vocabulary related to technology and the internet in Spanish. On the bright side, a lot of these words look exactly like their English counterparts. But also, they’re not pronounced the same way. Make sure to click the play button next to each word and phrase to hear how it’s pronounced by a native speaker.

Talking About Tech And The Internet In Spanish

Spanish Technology Vocabulary

the hardware — el hardware

the computer — el ordenador

the laptop — el ordenador portátil

the cable — el cable

to charge — cargar

the keyboard — el teclado

the mouse — el ratón

the printer — la impresora

compatible — compatible

wireless — inalámbrico

the software — el software

to install — instalar

the click — el clic

the menu — el menú

the folder — la carpeta

the file — el archivo

to save — guardar

the bug — el defecto

offline — desconectado

to drag — arrastrar

Spanish Internet Vocabulary

the internet — el Internet

the browser — el navegador

the link — el enlace

to load — cargar

the blog — el blog

the virus — el virus

the pop-up — el pop-up

online — en línea

to download — descargar

to search — buscar

the email — el correo electrónico

the chat — el chat

the message — el mensaje

the draft — el borrador

the emoticon — el emoticón

the email address — la dirección de correo electrónico

to write — escribir

to open — abrir

the attachment — el archivo adjunto

to send — enviar

the social media — los medios sociales

to sign up — registrarse

to log in — iniciar la sesión

the member — el miembro

the password — la contraseña

popular — popular

the forum — el foro

the community — la comunidad

the network — la red

to follow — seguir

Spanish Tech And Internet Phrases

I spend my time in front of the computer. — Paso mi tiempo delante del ordenador.

All of my files are gone. — Todos mis ficheros han desaparecido.

You can download the program. — Puedes bajar el programa.

The keyboard is quite dirty. — El teclado está bastante sucio.

Your password should be secret and hard to guess. — Tu contraseña debe ser secreta y difícil de adivinar.

I follow some of my friends on Twitter so I can keep up with what they are doing. — Yo sigo a algunos amigos en Twitter para estar al tanto de lo que están haciendo.

I need to be online, I’ve got about a million emails to send. — Necesito estar en línea, tengo que enviar como un millón de correos electrónicos.

Header Photo by Jorge Fernández Salas on Unsplash

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