How To Talk About Tech And The Internet In Norwegian

Here’s a brief primer for the next time you ‘logge inn.’
A woman outside using the internet in Norwegian

Learning a language online is becoming an increasingly popular option. When you can’t make it to Norway in person, using the internet in Norwegian is a solid backup. It won’t be exactly the same experience, but as technology advances, it gets easier to meet native speakers of the language and immerse yourself in the experience.

One of the biggest differences about learning the language online is the initial vocabulary you’ll need to study. While in Norway you’ll need to learn how to say “hello” and how to order food, you’ll need more technical vocab on the internet.

To get you started, we put together a list of all the basic vocabulary you’ll need to start using the internet in Norwegian. Once you get a handle on this, you can change your language settings and start getting a little language exposure every time you log on. And if you want to hear each term pronounced by a native speaker, just hit the play button next to the words and phrases.

Talking About Tech And The Internet In Norwegian

Norwegian Technology Vocabulary

a hardware — en hardware

a computer — en datamaskin

a laptop — en bærbar datamaskin

a cable — en ledning

to charge — lade

a keyboard — et tastatur

a mouse — en mus

a printer — en printer

compatible — kompatibel

wireless — trådløs

a software — en programvare

to install — installere

a click — en klikk

a menu — en meny

a folder — en mappe

a file — en fil

to save — lagre

a bug — en programvarefeil

offline — offline

to drag — dra

Norwegian Internet Vocabulary

internet — internett

a browser — en nettleser

a link — en lenke

to load — lade

a blog — en blogg

a virus — et virus

a pop-up — pop-up

online — online

to download — laste ned

to search — søke

an email — en e-post

chat — en nettprat

a message — en melding

a draft — et utkast

an emoticon — et emotikon

an email address — en e-postadresse

to write — skrive

to open — åpne

an attachment — et vedlegg

to send — sende

social media — sosiale medier

to sign up — registrere seg

to log in — logge inn

a member — et medlem

a password — et passord

popular — populær

a forum — et forum

a community — en brukerforum

a network — et nettverk

to follow — følge

Norwegian Tech And Internet Phrases

I surf the internet. — Jeg surfer på internett.

I’ll send it to you, what’s your email address? — Jeg sender det til deg, hva er e-postadressen din? 

You can download the program. — Du kan laste ned programmet.

All of my files are gone. — Alle filene mine har forsvunnet.

I spend my time in front of the computer. — Jeg tilbringer tiden min foran datamaskinen.

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