How To Talk About Your Free Time In Polish

Whether you play guitar, play soccer or just like going to plays, you can learn how to talk about it here.
A long-haired woman spending her free time in Polish at the art museum

It’s one thing to master the bare necessities for speaking Polish, like how to order food. Those finite, controlled interactions are great, but they aren’t exactly “conversation.” To be able to have a free-wheeling conversation with someone in a new language, you have to really have a grasp of the language. But there are some shortcuts! Learning how to talk about how you spend your free time in Polish, for example, is one way that you can develop your small talk skills.

Of course, “free time in Polish” is a pretty broad category. And if you spend all your free time playing chess, you’ll probably need to learn the more minute details of talking about rooks, queens, knights and the rest. But for an overall look at various activities, we collected some of the most basic vocab you might need. And if you want to hear how each word or phrase is pronounced by a native speaker, just click the play button next to each term.

Talking About Free Time In Polish

General Hobby Vocabulary

theater — teatr

play — sztuka

movie theater — kino

television — telewizja

musical — musical

museum — muzeum

exhibition — wystawa

sculpture — rzeźba

painting — obraz

photography, photo — fotografia

gallery — galeria

to paint — malować (imperf.), namalować (perf.)

drawing — rysunek

film — film

to dance — tańczyć (imperf.), zatańczyć (perf.)

literature — literatura

book — książka

to read — czytać (imperf.), przeczytać (perf.)

music — muzyka

to sing — śpiewać (imperf.), zaśpiewać (perf.)

instrument — instrument

guitar — gitara

piano — fortepian

game — gra

to play — bawić się (imperf.), pobawić się (perf.)

sport — sport

soccer — piłka nożna

gymnasium — fitness klub

team — drużyna

to go shopping — iść na zakupy (imperf.), pójść na zakupy (perf.)

second-hand — używany

eating out — jeść poza domem (imperf.), zjeść poza domem (perf.)

restaurant — restauracja

club — klub

bar — knajpa

cafe — kawiarnia

Free Time Phrases

How do you spend your free time? — Jak spędzasz czas wolny?

I love going to restaurants. — Uwielbiam chodzić do restauracji.

I play soccer twice a week. — Gram dwa razy w tygodniu w piłkę nożną.

I will sunbathe and read. — Będę się opalać i czytać.

Do you feel like going dancing? — Masz ochotę iść potańczyć?

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