Deciding which vocabulary to focus on when you’re starting to learn a language can be a tough choice. There are so many words out there! It’s a smart choice to try to tailor your vocabulary to your experience. If you’re learning Norwegian for a vacation, you’ll need to know about hotel and restaurant vocab. If you’re learning because you love watching Scandinavian noir, you should find some crime terms. But no matter what your main motivation, learning how to talk about you free time in Norwegian is valuable. It’s just the kind of small talk you’ll need to make casual conversation with a native speaker.
To get you started, we gathered together some very general vocab for free time in Norwegian. Whether you’re into art, sports or anything in between, there’ll be some terms here that are good for you to know. And to hear each word pronounced by a native speaker, just click the play button next to each term.
Talking About Free Time In Norwegian
General Hobby Vocabulary
a theater — et theater
a play — et stykke
a movie — en film
television — fjernsyn
to attend — besøke
a musical — en musikal
a museum — et museum
an exhibition — et utstilling
a painting — et maleri
a photography — et fotografi
a gallery — et galleri
a photo — et foto
to paint — male
a drawing — en tegning
a film — en film
to dance — danse
a book — en bok
to read — lese
music — musikk
to sing — synge
an instrument — et instrument
a guitar — en gitar
a piano — et klaver
a game — en lek
to play — leke
a sport — en idrett
soccer — fotball
a gymnasium — et helsestudio
a team — et lag
to walk — gå
to go shopping — handle
second-hand — brukt
eating out — spise ute
a restaurant — en restaurant
a club — en klub
a bar — en bar
a cafe — en kafé
Free Time Phrases
What do you do in your free time? — Hva gjør du på fritida?
I love going to restaurants. — Jeg liker det å gå ut til en restaurant.
I play soccer twice a week. — Jeg spiller fotball to ganger i uken.
I will sunbathe and read. — Jeg skal sole meg og lese.
Do you feel like going dancing? — Har du lyst til å gå ut å danse?