Talking about the weather is a time-tested icebreaker. It’s possibly the least offensive conversation topic, and it’s something that everyone in the world has in common. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense that weather vocabulary should be one of the first topics you tackle in a new language. Learning basic Spanish weather vocabulary and phrases could help you strike up a friendship that could last a lifetime. Or, you know, it can just help you predict whether it’s going to rain tomorrow or not.
The Seasons
the season — la estación
the spring — la primavera
the summer — el verano
the autumn — el otoño
the winter — el invierno
the rainy season — la temporada de lluvias
the dry season — la estación seca
Spanish Weather Vocabulary
the weather — el tiempo
the weather forecast — la previsión del tiempo
the climate — el clima
the degree — el grado
tropical — tropical
temperate — templado
the sunlight — la luz del sol
the cloud — la nube
cloudy — nublado
the wind — el viento
the rain — la lluvia
the drizzle — la llovizna
the storm — la tempestad
the thunder — el trueno
the lightning — el rayo
the rainbow — el arco iris
the snow — la nieve
the blizzard — la tormenta de nieve
the frost — la helada
the hail — el granizo
Natural Disasters
the natural disaster — la catástrofe natural
the earthquake — el terremoto
the tsunami — el tsunami
the cyclone — el ciclón
the hurricane — el huracán
the tornado — el tornado
the flood — la inundación
the drought — la sequía
the fire — el incendio
Weather Phrases
What is the weather like? — ¿Qué tiempo hace?
The sun is shining. — Hace sol.
The sky is cloudy. — El cielo está nublado.
It stopped raining. — La lluvia ha parado.
It was snowing all day. — Ha nevado todo el día.
A strong wind is blowing. — El viento sopla muy fuerte.
Be careful, there’s black ice on the sidewalk. — Atención en la acera hay hielo.
A thunderstorm is coming. — Llega una tormenta.