Naming The Parts Of The Body In Portuguese

If your body is a temple, you’ll want to be able to describe it.
Portuguese body parts, specifically feet, sticking out of the ocean

Dancing the samba, kicking the soccer ball around, tanning at the beach — you can’t do any of these popular activities in Brazil without using your body. And it’s hard to use your body if you don’t know how to talk about parts of the body in Portuguese. Learning to name and pronounce Portuguese body parts is an important part of building your vocabulary in the language. 

Before you know it, you’ll be able to talk about swinging your arms while kicking with your feet while playing soccer, lying on your back while sunbathing, or using your whole body when dancing out on the dance floor.

We’ve compiled a list of some Portuguese body parts you’ll want to learn, as well as some sentences to go with them. Press the play button to hear each word or phrase pronounced by a native speaker.

Portuguese Body Parts

the body — o corpo

the part of the body — a parte do corpo

the head — a cabeça

the face — o rosto

the eyes — os olhos

the mouth — a boca

the tooth — o dente

the nose — o nariz

the ear — a orelha

the neck — o pescoço

the back — as costas

the stomach — a barriga

the arm — o braço

the hand — a mão

the finger — o dedo

the leg — a perna

the knee — o joelho

the foot — o pé

Sentences Involving Body Parts

We go there on foot. — Nós vamos a pé até lá.

He used his left hand to write. — Ele escreve com a mão esquerda.

I have a headache. — Estou com dor de cabeça.

They kiss on the mouth. Eles se beijam na boca.

He broke his leg. — Ele quebrou a perna.

Her eyes were closed, but she wasn’t asleep. — Seus olhos estavam fechados, mas ela não estava dormindo.

I was lifting heavy boxes all day, now I have an aching back. — Eu carreguei caixas pesadas o dia todo, agora estou com dor nas costas.

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