The Ultimate Guide To Mastering Numbers In 13 Languages

Think you can get by in a new language without knowing your numbers? We bet you haven’t tried ordering a round of shots yet.
number words

There’s a reason why children learn their ones, twos and threes at such a tender, young age: number words are a fundamental building block of conversational skills in any language. Additionally, developing a strong “number sense” early on is crucial for developing a strong mathematical acumen later in life.

As a teen or adult language learner, you’re probably already pretty good with basic math. But developing your “number sense” in a new language is just as important — maybe not for the sake of doing basic math problems, but for navigating the many basic, practical exchanges you’ll make with others as you eat at restaurants, shop at stores and share stories about how your day went (can you believe you had to wait for THREE trains to pass by before you could get on?).

The following guides will teach you everything you need to know about counting from zero to one hundred in another language. In many cases, you’ll only need to memorize number words for the first 20 or so digits, and then a basic formula for naming numbers beyond 21 (for instance, in English, you would merely combine “twenty” and “one”).

Additionally, each guide features audio to help you nail your pronunciation so that you’ll never accidentally order the wrong amount of anything. We know, we know — sometimes more is better. But it’s always best to be in control of your destiny.

How To Count To 100 In Russian
How To Count To 100 In Indonesian
How To Count To 100 In Norwegian
How To Count To 100 In Turkish
How To Count To 100 In Swedish
How To Count To 100 In Portuguese
How To Count To 100 In Italian
How To Count To 100 In Spanish
How To Count To 100 In German
How To Count To 100 In French
How To Count To 100 In Polish
How To Count To 100 In Dutch
How To Count To 100 In Danish

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