How To Talk About Fruits And Vegetables In Spanish

All the vocabulary you’ll need for your next trip to the produce aisle.
Fruits and vegetables in Spanish represented by an image of radishes on display

How do you say “raspberry” in Spanish? What about “celery”? At some point in every Spanish learner’s journey, it becomes necessary — or perhaps just desirable and tasty — to learn the names of fruits and vegetables in Spanish.

The applications are as endless as the bounty of crop varieties that proliferate all across this big green Earth. Perhaps you’ll want to make sure you can navigate the supermarket like a pro on your next trip to Guatemala. Maybe you’re a picky eater, and you want to make sure your salad doesn’t contain any radishes when you’re eating your way through Spain.

Maybe you work in a kitchen with Spanish speakers, and you’d like to prevent a mixup between limes and lemons if you can help it. Maybe you’re getting ready to meet your Mexican in-laws, and you’d like to be able to offer to help chop the vegetables while dinner is being prepared. All of these situations (and many, many more) will benefit from your mastery over the names of vegetables and fruits in Spanish.

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Below, you’ll find a handy chart you can save for future reference, a list of fruit and vegetable names in Spanish and a helpful video introducing some of the most important vocab.

Note that Spanish is a widely spoken language with many regional differences, so certain fruits and vegetables might be called something different depending on where you are (for instance, patata is a more common term for “potato” in Spain, whereas papas is more common in Latin America). Enjoy, and happy eating!

list of fruits and vegetables in spanish

A Nearly Complete List Of Fruits And Vegetables In Spanish

Fruits In Spanish

the fruit — la fruta

the apple — la manzana

the avocado — el aguacate

the banana — el plátano

the blackberry — la zarzamora / la mora

the blueberry — el arándano

the cherry — la cereza

the coconut — el coco

the grapefruit — el pomelo

the grapes — las uvas

the kiwi — el kiwi

the lemon — el limón

the lime — la lima

the mango — el mango

the melon — el melón

the nectarine — el pelón / la nectarina

the olive — la aceituna

the orange — la naranja

the passion fruit — la maracuyá

the peach — el melocotón / el durazno

the pear — la pera

the pineapple — la piña

the plum — la ciruela

the raspberry — la frambuesa

the strawberry — la fresa

the tangerine — la mandarina

the tomato — el tomate

the watermelon — la sandía

Vegetables In Spanish

the vegetables — las verduras

the asparagus — los espárragos

the beet — la remolacha

the broccoli — el brócoli

the Brussels sprouts — las coles de bruselas

the cabbage — el repollo

the carrot — la zanahoria

the cauliflower — la coliflor

the celery — el apio

the corn — el maíz

the cucumber — el pepino

the eggplant — la berenjena

the fennel — el hinojo

the garlic — el ajo

the green beans — las judías verdes

the kale / the collard greens — la col rizada

the leek — el puerro

the lettuce — la lechuga

the onion — la cebolla

the peas — los guisantes

the pepper — el pimiento

the potato — la patata / la papa

the pumpkin / the squash — la calabaza

the radish — el rábano

the scallion / the chive — el cebollino

the spinach — la espinaca

the turnip — el nabo

the zucchini — el calabacín

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