How To Talk About Your Feelings In Danish

Hooked on a feeling? Learn how to express it in Danish!
A child sitting on her father's shoulders, showing feelings in Danish

When you’re learning Danish, or really any language, it’s good to start with the vocabulary that you know you’ll need. If you’re going on a vacation, then, it makes sense to focus on terms for hotels, transportation and the like. There’s one topic that might slip your mind if you’re in a hurry to prepare, though: feelings in Danish.

In a new country and with new people, you might be feeling any number of emotions, both good and bad. If you don’t know how to express what you’re feeling, you’ll only feel worse. We put together a simple list of emotions and feelings in Danish that are worth adding to you repertoire. And if you want to hear how the words are pronounced by a native speaker, just click the play button next to each of the terms.

Danish Emotions And Feelings Vocab

Danish Emotion Words

an emotion — en følelse

a mood — et humør

happy — lykkelig

sad — ked af det

excited — begejstret

a joy — en glæde

a love — en kærlighed

a hate — et had

anger — vred

to feel — at føle sig

a feeling — en følelse

a hope — et håb

depressed — deprimeret

a sympathy — en medfølelse

lonely — ensom

satisfied — tilfreds

proud — stolt

disappointed — skuffet

upset — oprørt

to get over — at komme over

Danish Sensation Words

a sensation — en fornemmelse

a pleasure — en fornøjelse

a hunger — en sult

a thirst — en tørst

a pain — en smerte

a surprise — en overraskelse

nervous — nervøs

tired — træt

a fear — en angst

to get bored — at kede sig

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