How to speak Italian

Italian is one of the 24 official and working languages within the European Union. Delving into this language becomes a gateway for travelers to unravel the rich history of Europe. Notably, a feature of Italian is that nearly all its words conclude with a vowel, contributing to the language's unique charm and musical quality.

How to speak Italian with confidence

Italian, the 20th most spoken language globally, boasts 63 million native speakers, and another 3 million who speak it as a second language. It holds official language status in Switzerland, San Marino, Vatican City, parts of Slovenia and Croatia. With thriving Italian-speaking communities in varied countries including the United States, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Puerto Rico, the UAE, and Venezuela, the language presents itself as a prominent global language. Learning Italian opens doors to diverse opportunities, whether working in Italy or Switzerland, appreciating performances in Venice, navigating menus, or enhancing travel experiences. Mastering this beautiful, expressive language unlocks a world of connections and friendships.

Get started

Top 5 tips for speaking Italian

  • Start speaking it regularly with friends

  • Set achievable goals

  • Read Italian recipes

  • Keep up with Italian news to immerse yourself in the culture

  • Practice little and often using an app or online course

The best methods for learning Italian

If you want to speak Italian, you might be overwhelmed by all the choices out there for getting started. It’s important to remember that there’s no one answer. Each method for learning has its own advantages and limitations, so you should choose what work best for you!

  • Classroom learning and tutoring — You’ll get more regular, personalized feedback from an instructor and practice speaking, but it takes a regular commitment of time and money, and you might not be able to work at your own pace.

  • Immersion learning — You’ll be challenged and required to adapt more quickly to a new language and culture, but the investment is quite extreme and requires money, time and the willingness to overcome major challenges.

  • Software and apps — You can work at your own pace and choose content that works for you, but you don’t get as much practice in conversations with actual speakers, and you won’t get individualized interaction with native speakers.

  • Italian-language media — Through Italian books, movies, TV shows, and podcasts, you get to hear and read the Italian language as it’s used by native speakers in real situations (and often for free), but you don’t get to practice speaking, nor do you learn the underlying rules and nuances of the language.

Speak Italian with Babbel

For those seeking a comprehensive method that integrates the advantages of various learning options for Italian, consider Babbel. With its straightforward interface, our language-learning app is the outcome of rigorous academic development. The methodology incorporates well-established teaching approaches and blends them with both modern technology and an extensive database of Italian words and phrases.

  • Compact lessons tailored to real-world scenarios

  • Instant feedback through voice-recognition technology

  • Top-notch courses created by a team of 150 language experts

  • Authentic Italian accents to enhance your ability to speak and be understood globally

With lessons accessible on your smartphone, you can engage in spoken Italian whenever you have a few spare minutes. This contemporary and highly efficient learning method ensures that you'll be conversing in Italian swiftly, with the flexibility to select lessons aligned with your interests and specific focus areas. Babbel, with its responsive interface and a track record of helping 5 million users worldwide, is the ideal choice for your language-learning journey.

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