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One of the many reasons learning a new language is exciting is that it opens you up to a whole new world you couldn’t access before, and learning Spanish is no exception. When you learn Spanish for travel, you’ll have access to the entire mundo hispanohablante and its roughly 450 million speakers across the globe. Learning Spanish for travel is a great way to flex your mental muscles while also putting your skills to good use in real-world situations.

Obviously, you don't need to learn the entirety of the Spanish language to take a trip. But you will want to brush up on some of the most important vocabulary that'll help your travels run more smoothly.

Keep on reading to find out more about learning Spanish for travel and the phrases and expressions you’ll want to know.


Spanish For Travel: What You Need To Know

When you learn Spanish for travel, you’ll want to get familiar with important vocabulary words and expressions for finding your way around, making new friends, ordering at restaurants, and more.

Spanish For Travel: Essential Conversational Phrases

Here are some of the most important Spanish words and expressions for conversation that will come in handy when you travel to Spanish-speaking countries — from “Hello!” to “How are you?” to “Where’s the bathroom?” and everything in between.


Learn more about the most common Spanish phrases for conversation, including how to introduce yourself and make a good impression!

Spanish For Travel: Navigation And Transportation

When you travel to a Spanish-speaking country (and when you’re putting in all the effort to learn Spanish, why wouldn’t you?), you’ll want to know how to find your way around in Spanish. Get up to speed with some of the most essential Spanish for travel vocabulary about transportation, navigation and daily vacation life with these phrases.


  • Voy a pedir una chela. — I’m going to order a beer.

  • ¿Se puede tomar agua de la llave? — Is it ok to drink the tap water?

  • ¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta? — Can I pay with (a credit) card?

  • La cuenta, por favor. — Check, please.

  • Estoy perdido/a. — I am lost.

  • ¿Cómo llego a ______ [Hotel Milenio]? — How do I get to ______ [Hotel Milenio]?

  • Gira a la izquierda/derecha. — Turn left/right.

  • Vamos en camión. — Let’s take the bus.

  • ¿Me podrías recomendar un restaurante? — Do you have any restaurant recommendations?

  • ¿Puedo usar tu cargador del móvil? — Can I use your phone charger?

  • Busco un hotel. — I am looking for a hotel.

  • ¿Dónde hay un supermercado? — ¿Where is there a supermarket?

  • ¡Disculpe! Soy turista y estoy perdido (m.) / perdida (f.). — Excuse me! I am a tourist and I am lost.

  • ¿Cuánto cuesta un billete al aeropuerto? — How much is a ticket to the airport?

  • ¿A qué hora sale el tren? — What time does the train leave?


Learn more about Spanish travel and transportation vocabulary and expressions, and learn the most important Spanish phrases for travel when you’re navigating a new Spanish-speaking place — whether it’s Spanish phrases for a vacation to Mexico, Spain or beyond.


Learning Spanish For Travel With Babbel


Babbel makes it easy to learn the important words and phrases you need to make the most of your travels in the Spanish-speaking world. With lessons that are tailored to your specific needs and interests, you’ll have the freedom and flexibility to learn what makes the most sense to you — whether it’s how to order off a menu, ask for directions or book a hotel room, for example.

Babbel emphasizes getting you conversational quickly so that you can feel confident speaking with actual native Spanish speakers in the real world. Designed by more than 150 linguists and language experts, our interactive lessons cover all the aspects of learning Spanish — reading, writing, listening, and speaking — with multimedia content to train your ears and eyes. Our speech recognition feature even helps you hone your pronunciation, too.

In addition to the vocabulary and grammar you’ll need to know to speak Spanish, Babbel places an emphasis on teaching you Spanish phrases that you’ll hear and use in the Spanish-speaking world outside of the classroom. Almost all Babbel Spanish lessons feature a real-life dialogue to help you put the Spanish phrases you’re learning into practice in actual conversations.

Try a free Spanish lesson with Babbel and see for yourself how quickly you’ll be on your way to learning Spanish for travel and speaking Spanish with confidence — like you’ve always wanted to!