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Learning Norwegian

There are a number of different languages one could choose to learn but one many make the mistake of ignoring is Norwegian. Learning Norwegian can help enrich both your personal and business life. Find out how below.

Benefits of learning Norwegian

  1. Ease of learning. For English language speakers, Norwegian is much easier to learn than most other languages. This is thanks to a number of things including the fact that they are both Germanic languages. This makes it easier to learn as it means it features a lot of cognates, words you will already recognize. In addition, Norwegian features grammar that is much easier to understand than other Germanic languages and the word order is much closer to English. This makes Norwegian the ideal language for an English speaking person to learn.

  2. Spoken worldwide. Norwegian features a significant number of native speakers with an estimated 6 million speakers worldwide so far. When travelling to Europe and communicating with people in foreign countries, knowing Norwegian can prove to be a very helpful asset.

  3. More appealing CV. Knowing Norwegian can make for a better and more appealing CV. Most people already know that learning a second language can increase your chances of landing a job but not everyone knows that there are certain languages that hold more weight to employers than others. Quite simply, certain employers value certain languages more than others so Norwegian might be the best choice for you.

Other methods of learning the language

You probably know about the other ways that one can learn Norwegian free of charge. To help you learn the pros and cons of each method of learning Norwegian for free, there is a helpful list compiled below.

  1. Reading newspapers online. A common way for people to grasp a new language is by reading newspapers written in that language. While this is a good tactic for those who are already versed in the language and want to improve their skills, this isn't a very good way for beginners to start out. You won´t learn Norwegian free of charge that way

  2. Watching Norwegian films. This is a well-known tactic for most people learning a new language. While it's most certainly helpful, it's best if you do this in addition to a site like Babbel. Simply doing this alone will not assist very much in your learning efforts.

What Babbel offers over other methods

You might be wondering why you should choose to learn Norwegian with instead of other language learning services. Well, you might not know that Babbel offers a number of helpful features to help you not to learn Norwegian free of charge, but to do it at an affordable price.

These features include multimedia grammar exercises so that you get a better grasp on the grammar that you're learning. It also allows you to learn at your own pace rather than rushing you through exercises like most language services. In addition, there is even a voice-recognition feature to train your pronunciation. All in all, is a great choice for the budding linguist.