The Ultimate Guide To Mastering Date Formats In 13 Languages

Never underestimate the importance of being able to accurately communicate the dates of your hotel reservation.
date formats

Even if you initially glossed over date formats, days of the week and months of the year in your language studies, you’re probably going back to the basics now that you’ve properly learned your lesson. It’s not easy managing your travel logistics when you can’t even tell “Tuesday” apart from “Thursday,” is it?

No matter where you are in your language studies, it’s never too late to learn how to properly situate yourself in time.

To do this, you’ll need to learn vocabulary for days of the week and months of the year, as well as learn the date formats used in various languages (if you’re used to the mm/dd/yyyy format in America, you might be in for a rude awakening when you go to Europe).

And if you want to say the date, you’ll also probably need to learn number vocabulary, which we’ve compiled in a separate guide.

Once you learn dates, the world will be your oyster — at least when it comes to scheduling appointments, booking flights and hotels, and asking that friendly waiter when one might expect to get a table quickly at that popular restaurant in town.

Below are our guides to mastering date formats and date vocabulary in 13 different languages, complete with audio to help you nail your pronunciation, as well as grammatical tips for putting it all together.

How To Write The Date In Norwegian
How To Write The Date In Polish
How To Write The Date In Russian
How To Write The Date In Portuguese
How To Write The Date In German
How To Write The Date In Italian
How To Write The Date In French
How To Write The Date In Spanish
How To Write The Date In Turkish
How To Write The Date In Indonesian
How To Write The Date In Dutch
How To Write The Date In Swedish
How To Write The Date In Danish

And if you need a primer on your number vocabulary, just head on over to this master post:

The Ultimate Guide To Mastering Numbers In 13 Languages

Ready to use these terms in a complete sentence?
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